A word fitly spoken
is like apples of gold
in a setting of silver.
Proverbs 25:11
The right word spoken at the right time can evoke wonder, surprise, delight, awareness, learning, and even life change. Jonna has a passion for the fitly spoken word. She is comfortable in a variety of settings, from small groups to large audiences. Whether you are new to the journey of faith or a long-time follower of Jesus, the scripture is full of words to be unleashed in transformative power.
Jonna is glad to work with content you would like to explore or to bring ideas of her own to your event or worship service. She is happy to prepare PowerPoint presentations to accompany her teaching or preaching, as well as handouts if those are helpful.
From sermons to classes, devotionals to retreats, funerals to weddings, Jonna would love to listen carefully to you and the Holy Spirit and craft an experience that would help you and your audience draw closer to Jesus and deeper into the journey of faith.
Esther Series
For Such A Time As This: A Time to Lead (Part 1 of 3)

For Such a Time as This: What to do with the time that is given (Part 3 of 3)