“Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.”
–Jesus (Mark 6:31)
Jesus first said this to the disciples who had been serving and learning. Jesus continues to invite all his followers to get away for a season of rest and refreshment. It is part of the sacred rhythms of following Jesus for any long-term follower who wants to grow over a lifetime. Retreats, deep dives into spiritual life, are an important part of a full life in Christ for individuals and communities. Coming aside to seek Jesus provides a chance for you and your community to accomplish things that regular devotional practices just can’t achieve.
Jonna has led many retreats bringing a combination of deep dives into scriptures along with contemplative practices that help retreatants reflect and listen to the work of the Holy Spirit. If you are looking for someone to bring a retreat to you or to work with your team as you plan a time for a retreat for your faith community, small group, or friends, Jonna will bring a memorable experience of God’s presence through creativity, scripture, and prayer.
Explorations of topics like discerning God’s will, aging, doubt, spiritual gifts, and healing are all topics she has explored in retreat settings. She is open to doing retreats centered both around themes and Scripture. From ½ day, all-day, or multiple-day spaces of focus on spiritual life, she would love to talk with you about what God might be stirring for you and your community. It’s exciting to know that Jesus is already waiting to restore and develop your community’s soul.