It’s amazing when books, movies, and TV Series like The Chosen can bring the stories and the lives of Characters to life. Remaining faithful to all the text tells us, and creatively filling in blanks can make a sometimes flat or familiar story into a memorable experience. It’s that wondrous combination of factual knowledge and redemptive creativity that can awaken God’s redemptive words in our own lives.
Writing these creative monologues is part of the giftings that God has given Jonna. Through historical research and imaginative storytelling, Jonna can bring Biblical stories to life in ways that make an impact. Several monologues have been written, including two Christmas monologues: one of the Annunciation and one of the night Jesus was born. She also has written about women in scripture like Mary Magdalene and the woman who was healed of her bleeding by Jesus.
If there is a character or a historical event you are studying and would like to have this unique experience strengthen your study, this imaginative writing is available as a tool to you as you continue to grow in your understanding of God. Jonna can perform these monologues, or they can be written for someone else to perform. This is a unique way to encounter the Bible that can have a lasting impact.
The Cost and Consolation of Bearing Witness: The Women & Mary Magdalene
This video is part of a set of recordings for the class "Characters of the Crucifixion." The first fifteen minutes introduce the monologue, starting at about 15:52.